
SaskEnergy Crossing Agreement: Understanding Its Importance

If you’re a landowner in Saskatchewan, chances are you’ve heard about SaskEnergy Crossing Agreements. In simple terms, these agreements allow SaskEnergy, the province’s natural gas distributor, to install pipelines on private land. But what are the specifics of these agreements, and why are they important?

What is a SaskEnergy Crossing Agreement?

A SaskEnergy Crossing Agreement is a legal contract between a landowner and SaskEnergy that allows the company to install and maintain natural gas pipelines on the landowner’s property. These pipelines are used to transport natural gas to homes and businesses across the province.

Why are SaskEnergy Crossing Agreements important?

First and foremost, SaskEnergy Crossing Agreements are important for ensuring the safe and efficient distribution of natural gas in Saskatchewan. By allowing SaskEnergy to install pipelines on private land, the company can create a network of pipelines that connects natural gas sources to consumers in the most efficient way possible.

Additionally, SaskEnergy Crossing Agreements are important for protecting the rights of landowners. When a landowner signs a crossing agreement, they are entitled to fair compensation for the use of their land. This compensation can take many forms, including one-time payments, annual fees, or ongoing royalties based on the amount of natural gas transported through the pipeline on their property.

It’s also worth noting that SaskEnergy Crossing Agreements are subject to strict regulations and oversight from the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Conservation Board. This board ensures that all pipeline installations and maintenance are carried out safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.

How do SaskEnergy Crossing Agreements work?

If SaskEnergy needs to install a pipeline on a piece of private land, the company will approach the landowner and negotiate a crossing agreement. The terms of the agreement will be tailored to the specific situation, but will generally include compensation for the landowner, as well as provisions for pipeline installation, maintenance, and removal.

Once the agreement is in place, SaskEnergy will begin the process of installing the pipeline. This typically involves excavating a trench, laying the pipeline, and backfilling the trench. If necessary, the company may also install above-ground facilities such as valves, metering stations, and compressor stations.

Throughout the installation and maintenance process, SaskEnergy is required to meet strict safety and environmental standards. This ensures that the pipeline operates safely and does not pose a risk to people or the environment.


SaskEnergy Crossing Agreements are an important part of the natural gas distribution system in Saskatchewan. By allowing SaskEnergy to install pipelines on private land, these agreements help ensure that natural gas is distributed safely and efficiently, while also protecting the rights of landowners. If you’re a landowner in Saskatchewan, it’s important to understand these agreements and your rights and responsibilities under them.

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