
If you`re running a home daycare, it`s essential to have a contract in place that outlines the terms and conditions of your services. Not only does a daycare contract protect you and your business, but it also ensures that parents and guardians know what to expect from your care. Here`s a sample home daycare contract to help you get started:

1. Enrollment information: The contract should include the child`s full name, date of birth, and the date they will start attending the daycare.

2. Services provided: Clearly outline the services you will provide, such as meals, snacks, indoor and outdoor activities, and educational programs.

3. Operating hours: Include your hours of operation, including any exceptions, such as holidays or weekends.

4. Payment terms: State the rates and fees for your daycare, including the payment schedule. Be sure to include any late payment fees or charges.

5. Cancellation policy: Outline the procedure for canceling services, including any fees that may apply.

6. Health and safety requirements: Include any health and safety requirements, such as up-to-date immunizations and a policy on sick children.

7. Discipline policy: Your contract should also include a discipline policy that outlines the steps you will take if a child misbehaves.

8. Termination policy: Explain under what conditions you may terminate a contract and any notice required.

9. Liability and insurance: State that you carry liability insurance and explain your policy regarding accidents and incidents that may occur during your services.

10. Parent cooperation: Stress the importance of parent cooperation in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all children.

Make sure both you and the parent or guardian sign and date the contract. Keep a copy for your records, and provide a copy to the parent or guardian. Having a signed contract helps to establish clear expectations and a good relationship with the families you serve.

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